Monday, January 30, 2006

Exxon Suxx

I haven't bought Exxon gas since Valdez. The headline is The most profit in a year. Ever. Nice. Go here for a cartoon and to stick a thumb in their eye. And no, it's not the "let's all not buy gas tomorrow" boycott. :)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Amelie, Jaida, and Charlize

"Alice" - "There's a GAP in your sweater!" Cute. And now Amelie knows exactly what G-A-P spells. I must say I so appreciate the escape from reality that the Magic Kingdom offers these days. Amelie's Montessori teacher says I shouldn't encourage fantasy play. Like fun! I saw the Neverending Story. Stop imagining and the universe collapses. Not good.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Not THAT Castle Bookstore

Amelie calls Happily Ever After (Happily Ever After 3112 E Shea BlvdPhoenix, AZ 85028 - 3238(602) 867-4646) "the castle bookstore" which is sort of embarassing when she asks to go there in earshot of locals familiar with the Phoenix erotica chain of that name. But there is a castle inside this childrens' book store and the coolest toys. Susan, the owner, completely saved me from the existential crisis I had walking in to Toys R Us prior to xmas 04. Go there!

100 Days...and Counting....

No rain in 100 days here and none on the horizon. I think we're all starting to see the pattern here...unusual weather, breaking records, ZERO peer-reviewed studies saying that global warming is not a problem. But in Limbaugh land, the facts don't matter.

"The fact that they looked it up in a book just shows that they don't get the idea of truthiness at all. You don't look up truthiness in a book, you look it up in your gut." - Stephen Colbert


Greg wants me to tell you that camels' milk does not curdle. So much for that camel cheese dairy you were hoping to open in Buckeye.