Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. Douglas Adams, "Last Chance to See"
Friday, May 26, 2006
The New Five A Day
This is handy - Salon has posted the 5 things we all should be doing NOW to combat global warming.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Absolute Proof that DeLay Supporters are Morons
And this is after the White House Correspondents' Dinner. DeLay supporters used a Colbert Report piece (satire? maybe?) in their defense campaign e-mails. Stupid and evil is a dangerous combo.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The I Spy Work is Magic
I have hardly been a Montessori enthusiast, however, in what's probably her last week in Montessori school ever, my baby is reading! Miss Veronica taught her some basic phonics, and the "work" goes like this: There is a set of tiny objects, like a cup, a cat, a fan, and then the nouns are written on separate slips of paper. She matched up every one of them. Then they are supposed to take the words and copy them out, she's not so good at that yet, but so what? I'm so proud. She also can pick out the even numbers from 1-10 and count out dots to match each of the numerals, which is cool.
Her new school has ballet, gymnastics, piano, and gardening in the curriculum (the other school is closing next week, Ms. Lillian is retiring). It sounds right up Amelie's alley. And they look so cute in the little tutus! I don't know what the boys there wear, they are still roughly half the classes. Updates soon.
Her new school has ballet, gymnastics, piano, and gardening in the curriculum (the other school is closing next week, Ms. Lillian is retiring). It sounds right up Amelie's alley. And they look so cute in the little tutus! I don't know what the boys there wear, they are still roughly half the classes. Updates soon.
Baby Beluga in the Deep Blue Sea...
I think the song is Raffi or something horrible like that but Baby Beluga was one of Amelie's first songs. Help them.
Did you know that Cook Inlet beluga whales could go extinct in our lifetime? But they do have hope for survival. I just helped these magnificent creatures by urging that they be listed on the Endangered Species Act, and I hope you will, too.
It's easy to get involved Just take action online at the website below:
Did you know that Cook Inlet beluga whales could go extinct in our lifetime? But they do have hope for survival. I just helped these magnificent creatures by urging that they be listed on the Endangered Species Act, and I hope you will, too.
It's easy to get involved Just take action online at the website below:
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Moms unite!
I read this great article on Salon and then I joined, you should too.
Subject: Join me in becoming a MomsRising member
I hope you'll join me and others in one of the most exciting grassroots movements on the Internet today: MomsRising.
MomsRising gives people a voice in the motherhood and family issues that are shaping our lives. This is particularly important because frankly American mothers and families are in trouble. A full quarter of families with children under six live in poverty, at least 9 million children don't have any health care, and far too many parents can't afford to stay home with sick children.
MomsRising is working to promote common sense family-friendly policies. You can sign online petitions and pledges that will be shared with political, community, and business leaders, as well as receive email alerts on timely issues, and read The Motherhood Manifesto book all for free.
MomsRising is building a vibrant online community and has great personal stories posted, as well as hot issues and timely actions for change. There are also current event discussion topics to spark group or personal conversations--and information about how start small groups, as well as how to get more involved working toward solutions.
By working together we can ignite a major movement that brings common sense, necessary change to the lives of mothers and families.
I hope you'll join us today at:
Subject: Join me in becoming a MomsRising member
I hope you'll join me and others in one of the most exciting grassroots movements on the Internet today: MomsRising.
MomsRising gives people a voice in the motherhood and family issues that are shaping our lives. This is particularly important because frankly American mothers and families are in trouble. A full quarter of families with children under six live in poverty, at least 9 million children don't have any health care, and far too many parents can't afford to stay home with sick children.
MomsRising is working to promote common sense family-friendly policies. You can sign online petitions and pledges that will be shared with political, community, and business leaders, as well as receive email alerts on timely issues, and read The Motherhood Manifesto book all for free.
MomsRising is building a vibrant online community and has great personal stories posted, as well as hot issues and timely actions for change. There are also current event discussion topics to spark group or personal conversations--and information about how start small groups, as well as how to get more involved working toward solutions.
By working together we can ignite a major movement that brings common sense, necessary change to the lives of mothers and families.
I hope you'll join us today at:
Monday, May 22, 2006
Fossil Springs Trail. Strawberry. Hard. And that would have been bad enough, but it wasn't just me, it was 8 frustrated 10 to 13-year-old kids, and none of us had climbed a mountain lately in 85-degree weather. I hope they will forgive, or at least forget that. I was thinking of the Flume trail, which is easier, and TOTALLY FLAT, but below the decommissioned dam and therefore temporarily closed. Fossil Springs was beautiful but until the other trail re-opens I will not be back. Yikes!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
It's Endangered Species Day!
Did you know that congressional Republicans are, at this very moment, trying to get rid of that pesky Endangered Species Act? It's true. Please do something today for endangered species, because they may not have a tomorrow. Here's your link. Go.
Arizona Conservation Organizations Celebrate success in endangered species protection and recovery
(Phoenix, AZ) The U.S. Senate has unanimously proclaimed May 11 as “Endangered Species Day,” providing for the first-ever national celebration of America’s commitment to protecting and recovering our nation’s endangered species.
Tomorrow, America will celebrate endangered species success stories, including the protection and recovery of the American bald eagle, peregrine falcon, gray wolf, grizzly bear, humpback whale and many of our nation’s wildlife, fish and plants.
In Arizona, we celebrate the return of some important species including the Mexican gray wolf, the black-footed ferret, the California condor, and the elusive jaguar. While these animals are not recovered, they are here and in our state due primarily to the Endangered Species Act and the support of the American people.
We also celebrate Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, a plan to protect habitat for 55 vulnerable species including threatened and endangered species like the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, Chiracahua leopard frog, Huachuca water umbel, and Gila chub. This plan has gained national attention and recognition and could set a standard for future planning efforts.
The Endangered Species resolution in Congress encourages, “The people of the United States to become educated about, and aware of, the threats to species, success stories in species recovery, and the opportunity to promote species conservation worldwide.”
The resolution was introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and was co-sponsored by Senators Biden (D-DE), Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA), Chafee (R-RI), Clinton (D-NY), Crapo (R-ID), Dodd (D-CT), Feingold (D-WI), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (D-CT), Reed (D-RI), Snowe (R-ME) and Collins (R-ME).
While there is much to celebrate, there is also still much to be done to protect the many species that are threatened and endangered in this state, country and throughout the world. Here in Arizona, we must act aggressively to protect many species, including: our imperiled native fishes — out of the 36 fish native to Arizona, one is officially extinct, two are extirpated, and 18 are listed as threatened or endangered; the 17 native plants that are threatened or endangered — Arizona cliff-rose and Arizona hedgehog cactus, among others; endangered birds like Arizona’s desert-nesting bald eagles and the Yuma clapper rail; and the nearly extinct Sonoran pronghorn, one of 39 endangered mammal, reptile and bird species on the list of endangered species in Arizona. The Mexican gray wolf has been brought back to the wild in Arizona, but is still imperiled and continues to need strong advocates for its protection and recovery.
Endangered Species Day provides an opportunity for schools, libraries, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, agencies, businesses, and community groups to educate the public about the importance of protecting endangered species and highlight everyday actions that individuals and groups can take to help protect our nation’s endangered species.
Celebrate Endangered Species Day on May 11th, 2006.
-Learn about endangered species in your area.
-Provide habitat for wildlife in your backyard.
-Find out what the Phoenix Zoo is doing to conserve endangered species both locally and around the world.
-Plan a field trip to a local park or endangered species habitat in your town.
-Participate in an endangered species habitat protection or restoration project.
-Conserve water at home so that the waters of our majestic desert rivers, like the San Pedro and the Verde, continue to flow and provide important habitat for threatened and endangered species.
-Sign the Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge at:
For more information, visit the Endangered Species Day website at:
Defenders of Wildlife has developed a national website indexed by state that features local “Heroes” of state Endangered Species success stories. To learn about everyday folks doing heroic things for Arizona’s species go to:
The Center for Biological Diversity has developed a website which features 100 Endangered Species Act success stories nationwide broken down by region and state. Go to to learn more about the following species, which currently or historically existed in Arizona:
American peregrine falcon
Apache trout
Arctic peregrine falcon
Bald eagle (Continental U.S. DPS)
Black-footed ferret
California brown pelican
California condor
Gila trout
Gray wolf (Southwest DPS)
Grizzly bear (Continental U.S. DPS)
Also, see the following websites for more information on endangered species.
Arizona Conservation Organizations Celebrate success in endangered species protection and recovery
(Phoenix, AZ) The U.S. Senate has unanimously proclaimed May 11 as “Endangered Species Day,” providing for the first-ever national celebration of America’s commitment to protecting and recovering our nation’s endangered species.
Tomorrow, America will celebrate endangered species success stories, including the protection and recovery of the American bald eagle, peregrine falcon, gray wolf, grizzly bear, humpback whale and many of our nation’s wildlife, fish and plants.
In Arizona, we celebrate the return of some important species including the Mexican gray wolf, the black-footed ferret, the California condor, and the elusive jaguar. While these animals are not recovered, they are here and in our state due primarily to the Endangered Species Act and the support of the American people.
We also celebrate Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, a plan to protect habitat for 55 vulnerable species including threatened and endangered species like the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, Chiracahua leopard frog, Huachuca water umbel, and Gila chub. This plan has gained national attention and recognition and could set a standard for future planning efforts.
The Endangered Species resolution in Congress encourages, “The people of the United States to become educated about, and aware of, the threats to species, success stories in species recovery, and the opportunity to promote species conservation worldwide.”
The resolution was introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and was co-sponsored by Senators Biden (D-DE), Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA), Chafee (R-RI), Clinton (D-NY), Crapo (R-ID), Dodd (D-CT), Feingold (D-WI), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (D-CT), Reed (D-RI), Snowe (R-ME) and Collins (R-ME).
While there is much to celebrate, there is also still much to be done to protect the many species that are threatened and endangered in this state, country and throughout the world. Here in Arizona, we must act aggressively to protect many species, including: our imperiled native fishes — out of the 36 fish native to Arizona, one is officially extinct, two are extirpated, and 18 are listed as threatened or endangered; the 17 native plants that are threatened or endangered — Arizona cliff-rose and Arizona hedgehog cactus, among others; endangered birds like Arizona’s desert-nesting bald eagles and the Yuma clapper rail; and the nearly extinct Sonoran pronghorn, one of 39 endangered mammal, reptile and bird species on the list of endangered species in Arizona. The Mexican gray wolf has been brought back to the wild in Arizona, but is still imperiled and continues to need strong advocates for its protection and recovery.
Endangered Species Day provides an opportunity for schools, libraries, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, agencies, businesses, and community groups to educate the public about the importance of protecting endangered species and highlight everyday actions that individuals and groups can take to help protect our nation’s endangered species.
Celebrate Endangered Species Day on May 11th, 2006.
-Learn about endangered species in your area.
-Provide habitat for wildlife in your backyard.
-Find out what the Phoenix Zoo is doing to conserve endangered species both locally and around the world.
-Plan a field trip to a local park or endangered species habitat in your town.
-Participate in an endangered species habitat protection or restoration project.
-Conserve water at home so that the waters of our majestic desert rivers, like the San Pedro and the Verde, continue to flow and provide important habitat for threatened and endangered species.
-Sign the Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge at:
For more information, visit the Endangered Species Day website at:
Defenders of Wildlife has developed a national website indexed by state that features local “Heroes” of state Endangered Species success stories. To learn about everyday folks doing heroic things for Arizona’s species go to:
The Center for Biological Diversity has developed a website which features 100 Endangered Species Act success stories nationwide broken down by region and state. Go to to learn more about the following species, which currently or historically existed in Arizona:
American peregrine falcon
Apache trout
Arctic peregrine falcon
Bald eagle (Continental U.S. DPS)
Black-footed ferret
California brown pelican
California condor
Gila trout
Gray wolf (Southwest DPS)
Grizzly bear (Continental U.S. DPS)
Also, see the following websites for more information on endangered species.
I'm Proud to be a Qwest Customer
Hey, they may be raising my rates to add the BYU channel (ewww) but at least Qwest didn't rat me out to the NSA. So, it was OK for some of you when they wiretapped international calls, whose, they wouldn't say. What will it take for you to say that they have gone too far? Door to door searches? Just wondering.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
More Veronica, Please!
Last night was the last episode of Veronica Mars on UPN - will the amalgamated WB/UPN pick it up? Maybe if enough people rent the DVDs. Veronica Mars is awesome. Watch it. Here is where they filmed (neato).
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Our Tiki Themed Party

Jamie has posted Ruben's photos of our sixth (and last?) annual birthday party. It was fun, Jamie's house looked really cool, as usual, but the theming was no small feat, may I say!
Amelie's First Self Haircut, 5/8/06
I got home yesterday and Linda handed me a ziplock bag full of Amelie's hair that she decided to cut off of herself at school. Talking about it later, she said she did it "so I would look so pretty." Luckily, it's not too noticeable. I have yet to decide if we'll layer the rest or just pretend it's not there.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Reporters are Rubber, Colbert is Glue
Now the "narrative" is that Colbert "wasn't funny" - yes, nobody laughed, because the AUDIENCE was (and are) the JOKE!!
If the press REALLY thinks it's doing an adequate job on covering Bush, let us not forget, Americans should have known ALL of this BEFORE 60,000 or so of them re-elected this fool.
If the press REALLY thinks it's doing an adequate job on covering Bush, let us not forget, Americans should have known ALL of this BEFORE 60,000 or so of them re-elected this fool.
New kitty!
We are welcoming Calcutta, a bengal cat, to our family today (happy birthday me). She is 1 and we adopted her at Petsmart. For photos, click on the moblog link, right. She's pretty and friendly and not at all afraid of Amelie (perhaps she ought to be, but I hope not). We'll see how things fare with the other furry members of our household!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Virtual March for Darfur, In Case You Couldn't Get to SF or DC.
I just signed up for the "virtual march" against genocide in Darfur, and I'm hoping you'll join me. You can sign up online at:
Over 400,000 civilians have already died in Darfur. But, almost 2 years after the United States officially recognized it as a "genocide," almost nothing has been done to stop the killing.
A relatively small United Nations peace keeping force (which wouldn't even require new US troops) could protect civilians, stop the violence, and help a real peace process begin. But it won't happen if world leaders, including ours, don't stand up and demand it.
So this week, thousands of concerned Americans gathered in Washington to tell Congress and President Bush to support a real international peacekeeping force - and to do it now. To help show the national media how many voters support this call, MoveOn is organizing this virtual march.
MoveOn'll present our names and signatures this week, to help show how broad the support really is on this vital issue.
Please join me and sign up today:
Over 400,000 civilians have already died in Darfur. But, almost 2 years after the United States officially recognized it as a "genocide," almost nothing has been done to stop the killing.
A relatively small United Nations peace keeping force (which wouldn't even require new US troops) could protect civilians, stop the violence, and help a real peace process begin. But it won't happen if world leaders, including ours, don't stand up and demand it.
So this week, thousands of concerned Americans gathered in Washington to tell Congress and President Bush to support a real international peacekeeping force - and to do it now. To help show the national media how many voters support this call, MoveOn is organizing this virtual march.
MoveOn'll present our names and signatures this week, to help show how broad the support really is on this vital issue.
Please join me and sign up today:
Sweet Jesus, I Love Stephen Colbert
In case you missed it (which you might have, the press that filled that room flat out pretended it didn't happen), Stephen Colbert, host of the Colbert Report, hosted the White House Correspondent's Dinner on Saturday, and he thoroughly eviscerated Dubya right in front of the man himself. God bless Stephen Colbert.
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