Crucial link in marine food chain withers, satellite data show
By Seth Borenstein
Associated PRess
Dec. 6, 2006 11:24 AM
WASHINGTON - The critical base of the ocean food web is shrinking as the world's seas warm, new NASA satellite data show. The discovery has scientists worried about how much food will grow in the future for the world's marine life.
The data show a significant link between warmer water - either from the El Nino weather phenomenon or global warming - and reduced production of phytoplankton of the world's oceans, according to a study in Thursday's journal Nature.
Phytoplankton are the microscopic plant life that zooplankton and other marine animals eat, essentially the grain crop of the world's oceans. Rest of article here.
Now go to and offset a year's carbon for your family and friends for Christmas. There is no better gift this year than the future of life on Earth, dontcha think?
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. Douglas Adams, "Last Chance to See"
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
"HDTV" Friday and Plasma vs LCD
As sooo many people will spend Friday shopping, and as this is the year of the flat screen, so they say, it is actually important that everyone know that LCD TVs are MORE EFFICIENT than plasmas. See this article on Daily Kos. Cars are not the only gas guzzlers out there, and plasmas are the Humvee of the TV. Pass it on. And consider waiting, both types got 25% more efficient this year. Prices will most likely go down, and efficiency is on the way up. Slippers make a nice gift!
On another note, Friday is National Buy Nothing Day. Consider it. :)
On another note, Friday is National Buy Nothing Day. Consider it. :)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Give a turkey something to be thankful for

Have a gentle Thanksgiving! We'll be trying the Veggie Turkey Breast. Faux meat is really not even necessary and Amelie completely shuns it, but it's nice for the old folks (us included) to have a center to the meal. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
A Handy Voter Guide
This is from the Truth to Power Hour blog, for the grey areas on your ballot:
A recap of Saturday's show here are my recommendations for Props.
Prop 100: Bailable Offenses NO
A Russell Pearce attempt to change the AZ Constitution for his anti-Immigrant agenda.
Prop 101: Local Property Tax Levies NO
Attempts to take tax decisions away from localities and put them in state control.
Prop 102: Standing in Civil Actions NO More Pearce foolishness
Prop 103: English as Official Language NO More Russell Pearce
Prop 104: Municipal Debt YES
Gives local governments more flexibility in financing transportation and public safety initiatives
Prop 105 State Trust Lands NO
A GOP trick to muddy the waters about Prop 106
Prop 106 Conserving AZ's Future YES
Has support from a diverse coalition
Prop 107 Protect Arizona Marraige NO
An attempt by Len Munsill to attack gays that actually affects civil unions and all non-married couples.
Prop 200 AZ Voter Reward Act ???
Gives a lottery ticket to all voters who participate.
Prop 201 Smoke Free AZ Act YES Supported by American Lung Assoc, American Cancer Society, AZ Hospital & Healthcare Assoc.
Prop 202 AZ Minimum Wage Act YES
Raises AZ minimum wage to $6.75/ hour
Prop 203 First things First for AZ Children YES Raises taxes on cigarettes to pay for child health services
Prop 204 Humane Farms YES
Goes after corporate farms for cruel treatment of animals by setting guidelines for pen sizes
Prop 205 All Mail Elections YES Some good arguments on both sides of the debate. If Prop 200 holds up this may serve to re-enfranchise voters.
Prop 206 Non Smoker Protection Act NO
I consider tobacco giant RJ REynolds' support for this as a major red flag.
Prop 207 Private Property Rights Act NO
A Trojan Horse for right wing extremists masquerading as a populist movement.
Would give special interests more control over gov't lands.
Prop 300 Public Program Eligibilty NO
More Russell Pearce nonsense.
Prop 301 Probation for Methamphetamine Offenders NO
Takes away treatment options for meth addicts.
Prop 302 State Legislators Salaries YES
Raises pay from $24 K to $36 K
For more detailed info on props check out Michael Bryan at
or at his site
Dem Judges
Hurwitz; Kessler; Norris; Portley; Budoff; Downie; Foster; Heilman; Lee; Rea; Ronan; Swann; Talamante
For Central AZ Water:
Barrios, Brooks and George.
A recap of Saturday's show here are my recommendations for Props.
Prop 100: Bailable Offenses NO
A Russell Pearce attempt to change the AZ Constitution for his anti-Immigrant agenda.
Prop 101: Local Property Tax Levies NO
Attempts to take tax decisions away from localities and put them in state control.
Prop 102: Standing in Civil Actions NO More Pearce foolishness
Prop 103: English as Official Language NO More Russell Pearce
Prop 104: Municipal Debt YES
Gives local governments more flexibility in financing transportation and public safety initiatives
Prop 105 State Trust Lands NO
A GOP trick to muddy the waters about Prop 106
Prop 106 Conserving AZ's Future YES
Has support from a diverse coalition
Prop 107 Protect Arizona Marraige NO
An attempt by Len Munsill to attack gays that actually affects civil unions and all non-married couples.
Prop 200 AZ Voter Reward Act ???
Gives a lottery ticket to all voters who participate.
Prop 201 Smoke Free AZ Act YES Supported by American Lung Assoc, American Cancer Society, AZ Hospital & Healthcare Assoc.
Prop 202 AZ Minimum Wage Act YES
Raises AZ minimum wage to $6.75/ hour
Prop 203 First things First for AZ Children YES Raises taxes on cigarettes to pay for child health services
Prop 204 Humane Farms YES
Goes after corporate farms for cruel treatment of animals by setting guidelines for pen sizes
Prop 205 All Mail Elections YES Some good arguments on both sides of the debate. If Prop 200 holds up this may serve to re-enfranchise voters.
Prop 206 Non Smoker Protection Act NO
I consider tobacco giant RJ REynolds' support for this as a major red flag.
Prop 207 Private Property Rights Act NO
A Trojan Horse for right wing extremists masquerading as a populist movement.
Would give special interests more control over gov't lands.
Prop 300 Public Program Eligibilty NO
More Russell Pearce nonsense.
Prop 301 Probation for Methamphetamine Offenders NO
Takes away treatment options for meth addicts.
Prop 302 State Legislators Salaries YES
Raises pay from $24 K to $36 K
For more detailed info on props check out Michael Bryan at
or at his site
Dem Judges
Hurwitz; Kessler; Norris; Portley; Budoff; Downie; Foster; Heilman; Lee; Rea; Ronan; Swann; Talamante
For Central AZ Water:
Barrios, Brooks and George.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Jon Kyl Campaign Ad Lied
Kyl campaign ad may have duped sheriffs
Friday, October 20, 2006
Go Harry!
I'm in District 3 and I was waiting for the dems to ask for my help for Herb Paine running aginst Shadegg... I actually just read some disturbing info about that here... in any case, what I HAVE been doing for the dems in general will hopefully help ALL of them. But last night was the funnest yet, I helped at a table for the Harry Mitchell CD5 fundraiser and I got to see Jimmy Eat World (sorry for the lousy cell photo), I was a fan before, now I am a HUGE fan. It would be sooooo nice to get rid of J.D. Hayworth (see previous post re:LCV scores).
Actually, Don't Buy Compact Flourescent Bulbs!
SKIP those, and go straight to LED bulbs! They are SUPER energy efficient and they are getting more and more available on the web. I'm going to order from a guy on ebay for my track lighting and if it goes well, some of you know what your Christmas presents will be. Speaking of Christmas...check out this tree. I am usually categorically opposed to aritificial Christmas trees, but if this isn't vinyl (NEVER buy vinyl!) I am definitely mulling it over.
Laurie David was on Al Franken and she said if everyone switched 5 bulbs from regular light bulbs to CFs, that would be equivalent to taking 80 million cars off the road for a year - this is like 10 times better than that. Imagine it!
Laurie David was on Al Franken and she said if everyone switched 5 bulbs from regular light bulbs to CFs, that would be equivalent to taking 80 million cars off the road for a year - this is like 10 times better than that. Imagine it!
Friday, October 13, 2006
No Big Surprise, But Worth Mentioning, LCV Scores Are In
Th usual performance by the Usual Suspects, as reported on
Arizona's senators each agreed with the league's positions 29 percent of the time. The representatives fluctuated wildly, with Reps. J.D. Hayworth, Jim Kolbe, John Shadegg and Trent Franks getting zeroes and Rep. Raul Grijalva receiving one of 112 perfect scores handed out.
I would like everyone to note that McCain isn't as green as he'd like to pretend to be.
Arizona's senators each agreed with the league's positions 29 percent of the time. The representatives fluctuated wildly, with Reps. J.D. Hayworth, Jim Kolbe, John Shadegg and Trent Franks getting zeroes and Rep. Raul Grijalva receiving one of 112 perfect scores handed out.
I would like everyone to note that McCain isn't as green as he'd like to pretend to be.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Hawaii Pictures
If you have some time to kill and want to see LOTS and LOTS of Hawaii pictures, visit our Hawaii group room at Snapfish. Highlights include dolphins and ziplines. Mom says she wishes we hadn't done so much. Curse you, Maui, and your plentitude of exciting and interesting activities! I certainly could have foregone the trip around the back side of the island (the Lahaina side, not the Hana side). Imagine: one lane - two directions, curvy, no guard rail, side of a cliff, sister telling you to go FASTER (right, Marn, it's all good 'til you slide off the road). Not my cup of tea. And then we pretty much did it again going to Hana but that road (mostly) had a lane for oncoming traffic. Then there was the trip down the volcano where Amelie got car sick with carrots and POG. Ah, the memories!
All this driving talk reminds me that I should recommend Bio-beetle rental cars to anyone going to Maui or the Big Island. They were great people. Our 100% biodiesel bug had a few glitches, but it was a neat experience for sure.
All this driving talk reminds me that I should recommend Bio-beetle rental cars to anyone going to Maui or the Big Island. They were great people. Our 100% biodiesel bug had a few glitches, but it was a neat experience for sure.
Arizona Ballot Initiatives (NO on 207!)
"Takings" rears its ugly head once again. Prop 207 is a taxpayer nightmare. Please tell anyone you know in Arizona to please get to the polls - or their mailbox, as the case may be - and reject it - for about the 3rd time. We keep saying no, and with so many issues to look at, they are thinking they can sneak it past us this time. Don't let them do that.
For a very good rundown on all of the initiatives and which way to vote, and why, go here. I am leaning against 106, it's not good enough and may have some components that do more harm than good. Haven't totally made up my mind there.
Pass it on.
For a very good rundown on all of the initiatives and which way to vote, and why, go here. I am leaning against 106, it's not good enough and may have some components that do more harm than good. Haven't totally made up my mind there.
Pass it on.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
That was an extended absence!
Well, much of the interceding time I have been in Hawaii. It was lovely. Here is a picture. 
I just had to post this. I would have killed for it in '04 when nobody thought they had lied us into this war. Here it is, laid out, in all its glory: a timeline from Mother Jones of each and every lie. Read it if you dare, 33 percenters.

I just had to post this. I would have killed for it in '04 when nobody thought they had lied us into this war. Here it is, laid out, in all its glory: a timeline from Mother Jones of each and every lie. Read it if you dare, 33 percenters.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wicked was, um, what's the word?

Yeah, it was as advertised. Wiiiicked cool! :) Mom and dad were surprised to find 2 extra tickets in their envelope so A and I were happy to go along last minute. One web site said it might be intense for a small kid and the web site said please no children under 4 but she looooved it, so I guess it just depends on the kid. I liked this one so much more than Rent. I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats! as they used to say. The gal that played Glinda was soooo funny. Broadway is really the place for strong female leads, isn't it? Chicago, Mamma Mia - girl power, right on!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Organic and Vegan Frosted Mini Wheats
Kellogg's Organic Frosted Mini Wheats. Bought them yesterday at Bashas', had them for lunch today. Most mini wheats use gelatin in the frosting. These don't and they're soooo yummy. So if you are like me and you have been missing your mini wheats, the wait is over, AND you do the earth a good turn by buying organic. Truly win-win. :)
To skip or not to skip
Amelie is brilliant. :) I say this because her new school says she tested in the top two (let's face it, she's #1) of her school. Now they want to move her up to the 4 & 5 year old class where they learn actual reading and math. Academically I know she can handle this, she is reading spontaneously all over the place these days. "C-ah-m-p-a-c-t - what's "compact", mama?" on our parking spot, for instance. I just worry about her being the baby in the class, I want her to make friends. It took a long time at Montessori and when she finally had a "best buddy", they closed. We're taking the chance, she would be bored silly learning the alphabet. We'll see how it goes.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
And when I got home this is what I saw!
San Francisco rocks
Friday, August 11, 2006
Last weekend's trip
Again, again, again. I heart Priceline.

Huntington Beach, almost a full day Saturday because Greg got us up soooo early.

We were struck by how the configuration of confectioner's sugar on this beignet (yummy) at the Jazz Kitchen resembled the Matterhorn. They didn't have much by way of vegetarian fare but what they did have was deeeelish! I am still thinking about that stuffed eggplant. Mmmmmm.

Huntington Beach, almost a full day Saturday because Greg got us up soooo early.

We were struck by how the configuration of confectioner's sugar on this beignet (yummy) at the Jazz Kitchen resembled the Matterhorn. They didn't have much by way of vegetarian fare but what they did have was deeeelish! I am still thinking about that stuffed eggplant. Mmmmmm.
This keeps happening
Monday, July 31, 2006
Carbon Help
So I have been meaning to start monthly carbon offsets for a while but I got confused on how far my money would go, etc. I just found this that sorts it all out. Yay!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Finally! Good news!
From Green Cars today, Over half (56%) of Americans believe our dependence on oil is a very serious problem and an astonishing 94% agree that global warming is becoming a major threat to our country and the world. Now, we just need to actually DO something!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
"Mama, why do we don't live in San Francisco?"
Every 15 minutes on the way from Oakland to San Jose International, that is what I heard. We had a great weekend. The basic rundown...
Friday, arrived at 8:30 and got to O-T at 10ish. Stopped downtown for crepes (mmmm). Greg was fighting a cold so we dropped him and took BART into the city (free parking and transit all day, whee!). Met Marnie for lunch at yerba Buena Gardens but turns out none of us were hungry so we rode the carousel and Amelie rode the monster slides. Swarms of kids on summer field trips. Stopped briefly at M's office where A met Kevin, her cool boss, and she partook of suite-mates' extra BBQ corn on the cob. We hopped on the Market St sardine can - I mean street car - that took us to the tourist trap - I mean Pier 39. We saw the 10 fat and sleeping sea lions that didn't go south to mate, and saw the WORST magician/comedian/juggler ever (sorry, guy, that was bad)("that's where you laugh, folks"- seriously). Bribed A with ice cream to get away from that, but had a pretzel instead then headed back and met up with Marnie to go back to her place. Briefly contemplated the street car to Powell but the experience would have been lost on Amelie, would have cost money, and would have meant a long long line. We all met up and went to dinner at an italian place called Spettro back in Oakland.
Aunt Marnie and Uncle James got to see what it's like to have a toddler in the house - "The sun's up, it's morning time!". Saturday was Marnie's friend's baby's first birthday. Greg was off to the race. I knew a few people. For Oakland it was way hot, almost 100. Anyway, lots of nice people and kids for Amelie to play with, and she loves to chase around Aunt Marnie and Uncle James' dog, Crickets. We all watched Syriana later on. Good movie but a little boy dies early on and I have absolutely no tolerance for that since becoming a mom. Beware. Otherwise it was thoroughly depressing but I highly recommend it.
Sunday (see how very helpful I am being planning this wedding?), we went to Baker Beach on the ocean side of the "Golden Bridge" as Amelie likes to call it. It was like a real beach day (thanks, climate change!). We grilled veggie burgers and I finally got to meet James' lovely sister Molly who has one of Amelie's favorite names and who was really very nice. Thai for dinner in Berkeley. Yum. Then, gelato. Double yum. After that we ACTUALLY did talk about the wedding.
Monday we TRIED to do some real wedding shopping in the Marina district but most shops were closed or appt only. Well, next time! We met Greg for lunch & tried to find a birthday present for Linda in Berkeley, again. Then it was time to come home. I think Amelie is still mad about that. Photos coming soon.
Friday, arrived at 8:30 and got to O-T at 10ish. Stopped downtown for crepes (mmmm). Greg was fighting a cold so we dropped him and took BART into the city (free parking and transit all day, whee!). Met Marnie for lunch at yerba Buena Gardens but turns out none of us were hungry so we rode the carousel and Amelie rode the monster slides. Swarms of kids on summer field trips. Stopped briefly at M's office where A met Kevin, her cool boss, and she partook of suite-mates' extra BBQ corn on the cob. We hopped on the Market St sardine can - I mean street car - that took us to the tourist trap - I mean Pier 39. We saw the 10 fat and sleeping sea lions that didn't go south to mate, and saw the WORST magician/comedian/juggler ever (sorry, guy, that was bad)("that's where you laugh, folks"- seriously). Bribed A with ice cream to get away from that, but had a pretzel instead then headed back and met up with Marnie to go back to her place. Briefly contemplated the street car to Powell but the experience would have been lost on Amelie, would have cost money, and would have meant a long long line. We all met up and went to dinner at an italian place called Spettro back in Oakland.
Aunt Marnie and Uncle James got to see what it's like to have a toddler in the house - "The sun's up, it's morning time!". Saturday was Marnie's friend's baby's first birthday. Greg was off to the race. I knew a few people. For Oakland it was way hot, almost 100. Anyway, lots of nice people and kids for Amelie to play with, and she loves to chase around Aunt Marnie and Uncle James' dog, Crickets. We all watched Syriana later on. Good movie but a little boy dies early on and I have absolutely no tolerance for that since becoming a mom. Beware. Otherwise it was thoroughly depressing but I highly recommend it.
Sunday (see how very helpful I am being planning this wedding?), we went to Baker Beach on the ocean side of the "Golden Bridge" as Amelie likes to call it. It was like a real beach day (thanks, climate change!). We grilled veggie burgers and I finally got to meet James' lovely sister Molly who has one of Amelie's favorite names and who was really very nice. Thai for dinner in Berkeley. Yum. Then, gelato. Double yum. After that we ACTUALLY did talk about the wedding.
Monday we TRIED to do some real wedding shopping in the Marina district but most shops were closed or appt only. Well, next time! We met Greg for lunch & tried to find a birthday present for Linda in Berkeley, again. Then it was time to come home. I think Amelie is still mad about that. Photos coming soon.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
And this weekend, Oak-town
We venture forth to the Golden State once more to visit "Aunt Marnie and Uncle James" while Greg goes and watches motorcycles go around really really fast, potentially alonside Brad Pitt and other luminaries. Ah well! We have a wedding to plan.
A factoid from Lonely Planet
A travel site, in its US article:
Number One
In America, the rich are getting much, much richer. 25% of Americans earn 55% of the nation's annual income. The top 1% earns around 17% of all income and controls 35% of the nation's wealth.
Number One
In America, the rich are getting much, much richer. 25% of Americans earn 55% of the nation's annual income. The top 1% earns around 17% of all income and controls 35% of the nation's wealth.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Random Notes on the Weekend

I'll add a few pics later, but here are a few noteworthy things about the trip....
Friday night we passed the largest wildfire in the nation at the time near Morongo (the huge and non-ironically named Casino Morongo near the outlet shops on I-10 is right there). Coming over the hill into Coachella it looked like a couple of volcanoes. Very LOTR. More on this later.
Only in L.A. will you hit a 45 minute traffic jam at 1:30 AM. For construction. Lovely. So we got in to the hotel at 2. The Anaheim Hyatt for $69 on Hotwire was a screaming deal. I can't remember the last time I have been on the 16th floor of any building. Amelie liked to stand on the window sill and lean on the glass. That was not encouraged by us. Yikes.
We slept in a bit Saturday (nice beds), A. and I checked out the hotel pools, and then Greg went to his show and we rented a car last minute and drove (another traffic jam ew) to Newport Beach. Parking was a nightmare (heat wave) but eventually we found a spot by the bay and walked the 4 blocks over. See moblog for photo. We spotted a pod of dolphins just offshore. 4 foot waves were crashing just onto the beach so we really didn't venture into the water.
We met Greg back at the hotel and walked over to Buca di Beppo. It seemed pricey, but I had wine and we had dessert, so all told really not so bad.
We actually made it to the park early for us on Sunday (before 9) and that was after returning the rental car. We went right to Pirates. It was already blazing hot in the sun and the queue is almost all outdoors. The new Jack Sparrow stuff was well done but felt tacked on, at least this time through. We'll see. The Davy Jones effect was awesome. Then we bought Amelie the promised bribe for riding (coloring book), did Peter Pan, Dumbo, the Carousel, met a few princesses. Amelie was "shy from" the live character Sparrow and Mary Poppins. Eeyore, Pluto, and Belle and Cinderella were fine. Eh, she's 3.
We finished the day at California Adventure and headed for the car at 5. As it was still light out we stopped to see the roadside dinosaurs that were in Pee Wee's Big Adventure and many other things. They are owned by creationist nutjobs. The inside of the brontosaurus (was there such a thing? I think I heard they canceled it) was a gift shop which had a lot of toys and then crazy "Darwin lied" videos playing. See moblog link for photos. Something you do ONCE I guess.
Oh, and pulling in to there (the dinosaurs are at Morongo) we got to see the fire crews packing up for the day. There was a constant line of helicopters filling up just before the exit and a field full of them across the highway. It's amazing to see. That is one intense job. There is no way I could do that. Again, fire crews, rock on. Morongo is right between Big Bear and Joshua Tree, so there's a lot to fight for.
OK, so that's the news for now. :)

Friday, July 14, 2006
Off to Cali Once More
Greg wanted to get to this SO classy bike show in Long Beach to see his friend Jesse (with gal in gold bikini) in the show, so we are off once more to the O.C. And while we're there, may as well visit our pal the mouse. After a day beaching it. How summery! :) Have a good weekend all!!
Thanks, Michael Crichton
You jerk. Yes, we're making all of this global warming stuff up as a power grab, you figured it out. PLUS we made the temperatures go up "3.4 degrees above average for the 20th century." We are DAMN smart. Prick.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
And on a Less Cheerful But Related Note
Carbon isn't only bad for the air, it's even bad dissolved in the water. Ugh.
What's Black and White and Rode All Over?
The Zebra!! Ain't it cute?
Confession time. I like to This goes 40 MPH. But for getting Amelie to school and me to work I am thinking - perfect! And under 10K? Awesome.
The reports of the electric car's death seem to be greatly exaggerated - let's hope!
Correction - that would be X-e-b-r-a Xebra. Oops. And I'm worried about the prospect of no AC. Not optional here in AZ. Not. Would you drive in Fargo without a heater? I doubt it there. You betcha. India has one with, soooooo...?
Confession time. I like to This goes 40 MPH. But for getting Amelie to school and me to work I am thinking - perfect! And under 10K? Awesome.
The reports of the electric car's death seem to be greatly exaggerated - let's hope!
Correction - that would be X-e-b-r-a Xebra. Oops. And I'm worried about the prospect of no AC. Not optional here in AZ. Not. Would you drive in Fargo without a heater? I doubt it there. You betcha. India has one with, soooooo...?
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Happy Freaking Independence Day
You know what's great about this country? It's called the constitution. Read it before it's gone. Oh, the IRONY (from
Today's special event:
July 6, 1946 is George W. Bush's birthday. Celebrate by reading your Constitution.
Anyhoo, this piece on Grist so nicely captures how my celebratory spirit is dulled by concern. Deep freaking concern. Have you seen it yet?
Today's special event:
July 6, 1946 is George W. Bush's birthday. Celebrate by reading your Constitution.
Anyhoo, this piece on Grist so nicely captures how my celebratory spirit is dulled by concern. Deep freaking concern. Have you seen it yet?
Friday, June 30, 2006
Taking it a little too far.
I enjoyed the show and most of the movies. I visited the "experience" in Vegas. I even went to a convention - once. But, wow. Holy cow.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
ONE thing to do today
The ONE campaign put together a petition asking Congress and the President to keep the promises America made a year ago. I think you should sign it.
Click here or paste the following URL in your browser:
Click here or paste the following URL in your browser:
Friday, June 23, 2006
Mercy, Mercy, Me
So I am sitting here today listening to Kool 94.5 and they played Marvin Gaye - I can't believe I never heard the words to this song before outside the chorus. Ok, so all I can say is I was not born when it came out, in my defense. In case anyone else was in the same boat as me....
Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me (the Ecology) Lyrics
Ah, mercy, mercy me,Ah, things ain't what they used to
be, no, no.Where did all the blue skies go?Poison is
the wind that blows from the north and south andeast.Mercy, mercy me,Ah, things ain't what they used to
be, no, no.Oil wasted on the ocean and uponour seas
fish full of mercury,Oh, mercy, mercy me.Ah,
things ain't what they used to be, no, no, no.Radiation underground and in the sky;animals and birds
who live near by are dying.Oh, mercy, mercy me.Ah, things ain't what they used to be.What about
this over crowded land?How much more abuse from man can
she stand?
Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me (the Ecology) Lyrics
Ah, mercy, mercy me,Ah, things ain't what they used to
be, no, no.Where did all the blue skies go?Poison is
the wind that blows from the north and south andeast.Mercy, mercy me,Ah, things ain't what they used to
be, no, no.Oil wasted on the ocean and uponour seas
fish full of mercury,Oh, mercy, mercy me.Ah,
things ain't what they used to be, no, no, no.Radiation underground and in the sky;animals and birds
who live near by are dying.Oh, mercy, mercy me.Ah, things ain't what they used to be.What about
this over crowded land?How much more abuse from man can
she stand?
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Goodbye to Oak Creek Canyon?
The best place in the state, I think, is in serious trouble today. Yay, fire crews, boo, idiots who won't leave their damn cabins. Full coverage from the Arizona Republic here.
And just a word on how this is just another face of global warming (see the movie!)...Arizona is in a multi-year drought. Now, this could be a coincidence, but at some point, you have to see that there are a lot of things going on that might happen once a millenia, that are happening, like, every year. Anyway, drought = sick trees. Sick trees = easy pickings for bark beetles. Bark beetles = lots of standing dead and dying trees. Lots of dead and dying trees = lighting fluid + kindling. This is what global warming looks like, guys.
And just a word on how this is just another face of global warming (see the movie!)...Arizona is in a multi-year drought. Now, this could be a coincidence, but at some point, you have to see that there are a lot of things going on that might happen once a millenia, that are happening, like, every year. Anyway, drought = sick trees. Sick trees = easy pickings for bark beetles. Bark beetles = lots of standing dead and dying trees. Lots of dead and dying trees = lighting fluid + kindling. This is what global warming looks like, guys.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
And on a more fun note
An Inconvenient Truth

We saw the preview of An Inconvenient Truth here in Phoenix. Everyone needs to see this movie. Please please please go to and spread the word!
Monday, June 05, 2006
An Actual Conspiracy - This is HUGE
So, something that you should know about me is that I am not one to buy easily into conspiracy theories. Oswald acted alone. I downloaded "Loose Change" over the weekend, haven't watched it yet, but I am 100% positive that it's mostly junk. So you might see how I am utterly dismayed at how completely true this piece by RFK, Jr. in this month's Rolling Stone, about how Bush stole Ohio among other places, proves to be. It's all things that were sometimes covered but never really investigated. Yet another way that the "liberal press" has FAILED our democracy.
As another case goes before Bush's stacked court, I feel like someone just stole my bicycle. This blows.
As another case goes before Bush's stacked court, I feel like someone just stole my bicycle. This blows.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Today's Let-Them-Eat-Cake Moment...
Bush actually said that 9/11/01 ended in a humorous moment for him. He IS Marie Antoinette. It's so simple!
Friday, May 26, 2006
The New Five A Day
This is handy - Salon has posted the 5 things we all should be doing NOW to combat global warming.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Absolute Proof that DeLay Supporters are Morons
And this is after the White House Correspondents' Dinner. DeLay supporters used a Colbert Report piece (satire? maybe?) in their defense campaign e-mails. Stupid and evil is a dangerous combo.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The I Spy Work is Magic
I have hardly been a Montessori enthusiast, however, in what's probably her last week in Montessori school ever, my baby is reading! Miss Veronica taught her some basic phonics, and the "work" goes like this: There is a set of tiny objects, like a cup, a cat, a fan, and then the nouns are written on separate slips of paper. She matched up every one of them. Then they are supposed to take the words and copy them out, she's not so good at that yet, but so what? I'm so proud. She also can pick out the even numbers from 1-10 and count out dots to match each of the numerals, which is cool.
Her new school has ballet, gymnastics, piano, and gardening in the curriculum (the other school is closing next week, Ms. Lillian is retiring). It sounds right up Amelie's alley. And they look so cute in the little tutus! I don't know what the boys there wear, they are still roughly half the classes. Updates soon.
Her new school has ballet, gymnastics, piano, and gardening in the curriculum (the other school is closing next week, Ms. Lillian is retiring). It sounds right up Amelie's alley. And they look so cute in the little tutus! I don't know what the boys there wear, they are still roughly half the classes. Updates soon.
Baby Beluga in the Deep Blue Sea...
I think the song is Raffi or something horrible like that but Baby Beluga was one of Amelie's first songs. Help them.
Did you know that Cook Inlet beluga whales could go extinct in our lifetime? But they do have hope for survival. I just helped these magnificent creatures by urging that they be listed on the Endangered Species Act, and I hope you will, too.
It's easy to get involved Just take action online at the website below:
Did you know that Cook Inlet beluga whales could go extinct in our lifetime? But they do have hope for survival. I just helped these magnificent creatures by urging that they be listed on the Endangered Species Act, and I hope you will, too.
It's easy to get involved Just take action online at the website below:
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Moms unite!
I read this great article on Salon and then I joined, you should too.
Subject: Join me in becoming a MomsRising member
I hope you'll join me and others in one of the most exciting grassroots movements on the Internet today: MomsRising.
MomsRising gives people a voice in the motherhood and family issues that are shaping our lives. This is particularly important because frankly American mothers and families are in trouble. A full quarter of families with children under six live in poverty, at least 9 million children don't have any health care, and far too many parents can't afford to stay home with sick children.
MomsRising is working to promote common sense family-friendly policies. You can sign online petitions and pledges that will be shared with political, community, and business leaders, as well as receive email alerts on timely issues, and read The Motherhood Manifesto book all for free.
MomsRising is building a vibrant online community and has great personal stories posted, as well as hot issues and timely actions for change. There are also current event discussion topics to spark group or personal conversations--and information about how start small groups, as well as how to get more involved working toward solutions.
By working together we can ignite a major movement that brings common sense, necessary change to the lives of mothers and families.
I hope you'll join us today at:
Subject: Join me in becoming a MomsRising member
I hope you'll join me and others in one of the most exciting grassroots movements on the Internet today: MomsRising.
MomsRising gives people a voice in the motherhood and family issues that are shaping our lives. This is particularly important because frankly American mothers and families are in trouble. A full quarter of families with children under six live in poverty, at least 9 million children don't have any health care, and far too many parents can't afford to stay home with sick children.
MomsRising is working to promote common sense family-friendly policies. You can sign online petitions and pledges that will be shared with political, community, and business leaders, as well as receive email alerts on timely issues, and read The Motherhood Manifesto book all for free.
MomsRising is building a vibrant online community and has great personal stories posted, as well as hot issues and timely actions for change. There are also current event discussion topics to spark group or personal conversations--and information about how start small groups, as well as how to get more involved working toward solutions.
By working together we can ignite a major movement that brings common sense, necessary change to the lives of mothers and families.
I hope you'll join us today at:
Monday, May 22, 2006
Fossil Springs Trail. Strawberry. Hard. And that would have been bad enough, but it wasn't just me, it was 8 frustrated 10 to 13-year-old kids, and none of us had climbed a mountain lately in 85-degree weather. I hope they will forgive, or at least forget that. I was thinking of the Flume trail, which is easier, and TOTALLY FLAT, but below the decommissioned dam and therefore temporarily closed. Fossil Springs was beautiful but until the other trail re-opens I will not be back. Yikes!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
It's Endangered Species Day!
Did you know that congressional Republicans are, at this very moment, trying to get rid of that pesky Endangered Species Act? It's true. Please do something today for endangered species, because they may not have a tomorrow. Here's your link. Go.
Arizona Conservation Organizations Celebrate success in endangered species protection and recovery
(Phoenix, AZ) The U.S. Senate has unanimously proclaimed May 11 as “Endangered Species Day,” providing for the first-ever national celebration of America’s commitment to protecting and recovering our nation’s endangered species.
Tomorrow, America will celebrate endangered species success stories, including the protection and recovery of the American bald eagle, peregrine falcon, gray wolf, grizzly bear, humpback whale and many of our nation’s wildlife, fish and plants.
In Arizona, we celebrate the return of some important species including the Mexican gray wolf, the black-footed ferret, the California condor, and the elusive jaguar. While these animals are not recovered, they are here and in our state due primarily to the Endangered Species Act and the support of the American people.
We also celebrate Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, a plan to protect habitat for 55 vulnerable species including threatened and endangered species like the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, Chiracahua leopard frog, Huachuca water umbel, and Gila chub. This plan has gained national attention and recognition and could set a standard for future planning efforts.
The Endangered Species resolution in Congress encourages, “The people of the United States to become educated about, and aware of, the threats to species, success stories in species recovery, and the opportunity to promote species conservation worldwide.”
The resolution was introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and was co-sponsored by Senators Biden (D-DE), Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA), Chafee (R-RI), Clinton (D-NY), Crapo (R-ID), Dodd (D-CT), Feingold (D-WI), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (D-CT), Reed (D-RI), Snowe (R-ME) and Collins (R-ME).
While there is much to celebrate, there is also still much to be done to protect the many species that are threatened and endangered in this state, country and throughout the world. Here in Arizona, we must act aggressively to protect many species, including: our imperiled native fishes — out of the 36 fish native to Arizona, one is officially extinct, two are extirpated, and 18 are listed as threatened or endangered; the 17 native plants that are threatened or endangered — Arizona cliff-rose and Arizona hedgehog cactus, among others; endangered birds like Arizona’s desert-nesting bald eagles and the Yuma clapper rail; and the nearly extinct Sonoran pronghorn, one of 39 endangered mammal, reptile and bird species on the list of endangered species in Arizona. The Mexican gray wolf has been brought back to the wild in Arizona, but is still imperiled and continues to need strong advocates for its protection and recovery.
Endangered Species Day provides an opportunity for schools, libraries, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, agencies, businesses, and community groups to educate the public about the importance of protecting endangered species and highlight everyday actions that individuals and groups can take to help protect our nation’s endangered species.
Celebrate Endangered Species Day on May 11th, 2006.
-Learn about endangered species in your area.
-Provide habitat for wildlife in your backyard.
-Find out what the Phoenix Zoo is doing to conserve endangered species both locally and around the world.
-Plan a field trip to a local park or endangered species habitat in your town.
-Participate in an endangered species habitat protection or restoration project.
-Conserve water at home so that the waters of our majestic desert rivers, like the San Pedro and the Verde, continue to flow and provide important habitat for threatened and endangered species.
-Sign the Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge at:
For more information, visit the Endangered Species Day website at:
Defenders of Wildlife has developed a national website indexed by state that features local “Heroes” of state Endangered Species success stories. To learn about everyday folks doing heroic things for Arizona’s species go to:
The Center for Biological Diversity has developed a website which features 100 Endangered Species Act success stories nationwide broken down by region and state. Go to to learn more about the following species, which currently or historically existed in Arizona:
American peregrine falcon
Apache trout
Arctic peregrine falcon
Bald eagle (Continental U.S. DPS)
Black-footed ferret
California brown pelican
California condor
Gila trout
Gray wolf (Southwest DPS)
Grizzly bear (Continental U.S. DPS)
Also, see the following websites for more information on endangered species.
Arizona Conservation Organizations Celebrate success in endangered species protection and recovery
(Phoenix, AZ) The U.S. Senate has unanimously proclaimed May 11 as “Endangered Species Day,” providing for the first-ever national celebration of America’s commitment to protecting and recovering our nation’s endangered species.
Tomorrow, America will celebrate endangered species success stories, including the protection and recovery of the American bald eagle, peregrine falcon, gray wolf, grizzly bear, humpback whale and many of our nation’s wildlife, fish and plants.
In Arizona, we celebrate the return of some important species including the Mexican gray wolf, the black-footed ferret, the California condor, and the elusive jaguar. While these animals are not recovered, they are here and in our state due primarily to the Endangered Species Act and the support of the American people.
We also celebrate Pima County’s Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, a plan to protect habitat for 55 vulnerable species including threatened and endangered species like the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, Chiracahua leopard frog, Huachuca water umbel, and Gila chub. This plan has gained national attention and recognition and could set a standard for future planning efforts.
The Endangered Species resolution in Congress encourages, “The people of the United States to become educated about, and aware of, the threats to species, success stories in species recovery, and the opportunity to promote species conservation worldwide.”
The resolution was introduced by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and was co-sponsored by Senators Biden (D-DE), Byrd (D-WV) Cantwell (D-WA), Chafee (R-RI), Clinton (D-NY), Crapo (R-ID), Dodd (D-CT), Feingold (D-WI), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (D-CT), Reed (D-RI), Snowe (R-ME) and Collins (R-ME).
While there is much to celebrate, there is also still much to be done to protect the many species that are threatened and endangered in this state, country and throughout the world. Here in Arizona, we must act aggressively to protect many species, including: our imperiled native fishes — out of the 36 fish native to Arizona, one is officially extinct, two are extirpated, and 18 are listed as threatened or endangered; the 17 native plants that are threatened or endangered — Arizona cliff-rose and Arizona hedgehog cactus, among others; endangered birds like Arizona’s desert-nesting bald eagles and the Yuma clapper rail; and the nearly extinct Sonoran pronghorn, one of 39 endangered mammal, reptile and bird species on the list of endangered species in Arizona. The Mexican gray wolf has been brought back to the wild in Arizona, but is still imperiled and continues to need strong advocates for its protection and recovery.
Endangered Species Day provides an opportunity for schools, libraries, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, agencies, businesses, and community groups to educate the public about the importance of protecting endangered species and highlight everyday actions that individuals and groups can take to help protect our nation’s endangered species.
Celebrate Endangered Species Day on May 11th, 2006.
-Learn about endangered species in your area.
-Provide habitat for wildlife in your backyard.
-Find out what the Phoenix Zoo is doing to conserve endangered species both locally and around the world.
-Plan a field trip to a local park or endangered species habitat in your town.
-Participate in an endangered species habitat protection or restoration project.
-Conserve water at home so that the waters of our majestic desert rivers, like the San Pedro and the Verde, continue to flow and provide important habitat for threatened and endangered species.
-Sign the Endangered Species Act Legacy Pledge at:
For more information, visit the Endangered Species Day website at:
Defenders of Wildlife has developed a national website indexed by state that features local “Heroes” of state Endangered Species success stories. To learn about everyday folks doing heroic things for Arizona’s species go to:
The Center for Biological Diversity has developed a website which features 100 Endangered Species Act success stories nationwide broken down by region and state. Go to to learn more about the following species, which currently or historically existed in Arizona:
American peregrine falcon
Apache trout
Arctic peregrine falcon
Bald eagle (Continental U.S. DPS)
Black-footed ferret
California brown pelican
California condor
Gila trout
Gray wolf (Southwest DPS)
Grizzly bear (Continental U.S. DPS)
Also, see the following websites for more information on endangered species.
I'm Proud to be a Qwest Customer
Hey, they may be raising my rates to add the BYU channel (ewww) but at least Qwest didn't rat me out to the NSA. So, it was OK for some of you when they wiretapped international calls, whose, they wouldn't say. What will it take for you to say that they have gone too far? Door to door searches? Just wondering.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
More Veronica, Please!
Last night was the last episode of Veronica Mars on UPN - will the amalgamated WB/UPN pick it up? Maybe if enough people rent the DVDs. Veronica Mars is awesome. Watch it. Here is where they filmed (neato).
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Our Tiki Themed Party

Jamie has posted Ruben's photos of our sixth (and last?) annual birthday party. It was fun, Jamie's house looked really cool, as usual, but the theming was no small feat, may I say!
Amelie's First Self Haircut, 5/8/06
I got home yesterday and Linda handed me a ziplock bag full of Amelie's hair that she decided to cut off of herself at school. Talking about it later, she said she did it "so I would look so pretty." Luckily, it's not too noticeable. I have yet to decide if we'll layer the rest or just pretend it's not there.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Reporters are Rubber, Colbert is Glue
Now the "narrative" is that Colbert "wasn't funny" - yes, nobody laughed, because the AUDIENCE was (and are) the JOKE!!
If the press REALLY thinks it's doing an adequate job on covering Bush, let us not forget, Americans should have known ALL of this BEFORE 60,000 or so of them re-elected this fool.
If the press REALLY thinks it's doing an adequate job on covering Bush, let us not forget, Americans should have known ALL of this BEFORE 60,000 or so of them re-elected this fool.
New kitty!
We are welcoming Calcutta, a bengal cat, to our family today (happy birthday me). She is 1 and we adopted her at Petsmart. For photos, click on the moblog link, right. She's pretty and friendly and not at all afraid of Amelie (perhaps she ought to be, but I hope not). We'll see how things fare with the other furry members of our household!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Virtual March for Darfur, In Case You Couldn't Get to SF or DC.
I just signed up for the "virtual march" against genocide in Darfur, and I'm hoping you'll join me. You can sign up online at:
Over 400,000 civilians have already died in Darfur. But, almost 2 years after the United States officially recognized it as a "genocide," almost nothing has been done to stop the killing.
A relatively small United Nations peace keeping force (which wouldn't even require new US troops) could protect civilians, stop the violence, and help a real peace process begin. But it won't happen if world leaders, including ours, don't stand up and demand it.
So this week, thousands of concerned Americans gathered in Washington to tell Congress and President Bush to support a real international peacekeeping force - and to do it now. To help show the national media how many voters support this call, MoveOn is organizing this virtual march.
MoveOn'll present our names and signatures this week, to help show how broad the support really is on this vital issue.
Please join me and sign up today:
Over 400,000 civilians have already died in Darfur. But, almost 2 years after the United States officially recognized it as a "genocide," almost nothing has been done to stop the killing.
A relatively small United Nations peace keeping force (which wouldn't even require new US troops) could protect civilians, stop the violence, and help a real peace process begin. But it won't happen if world leaders, including ours, don't stand up and demand it.
So this week, thousands of concerned Americans gathered in Washington to tell Congress and President Bush to support a real international peacekeeping force - and to do it now. To help show the national media how many voters support this call, MoveOn is organizing this virtual march.
MoveOn'll present our names and signatures this week, to help show how broad the support really is on this vital issue.
Please join me and sign up today:
Sweet Jesus, I Love Stephen Colbert
In case you missed it (which you might have, the press that filled that room flat out pretended it didn't happen), Stephen Colbert, host of the Colbert Report, hosted the White House Correspondent's Dinner on Saturday, and he thoroughly eviscerated Dubya right in front of the man himself. God bless Stephen Colbert.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
But WHY?
I just happened upon this little tidbit:
The regular pizza sauce contains beef base, whey, cheese solids (which is made with animal enzymes), buttermilk powder, nonfat milk solids, and MSG. The Cavatini, meatless, and bread stick sauces contains beef base, beef flavor, meat type flavor, natural flavor, and MSG. No further information was available on these ingredients. The Zesty pizza sauce contains chicken fat and two types of cheeses (made with enzymes). The sauce, which is served with the spaghetti marinara with meat, contains precooked sausage (composed of pork and beef), beef, chicken stock, chicken fat, and nonfat dry milk. All the pasta at Pizza Hut is vegan.
Not that I have been there lately, but geeeeeez! Boo, Pizza Hut!
The regular pizza sauce contains beef base, whey, cheese solids (which is made with animal enzymes), buttermilk powder, nonfat milk solids, and MSG. The Cavatini, meatless, and bread stick sauces contains beef base, beef flavor, meat type flavor, natural flavor, and MSG. No further information was available on these ingredients. The Zesty pizza sauce contains chicken fat and two types of cheeses (made with enzymes). The sauce, which is served with the spaghetti marinara with meat, contains precooked sausage (composed of pork and beef), beef, chicken stock, chicken fat, and nonfat dry milk. All the pasta at Pizza Hut is vegan.
Not that I have been there lately, but geeeeeez! Boo, Pizza Hut!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Birthday Idea Alert!
I am turning 33, and like the song says, that could be a full third of all of the time I'm gonna get - time to do right by my greenhouse gases. To that end...
A non-profit selling carbon credits. Great idea! More info here.
I am turning 33, and like the song says, that could be a full third of all of the time I'm gonna get - time to do right by my greenhouse gases. To that end...
A non-profit selling carbon credits. Great idea! More info here.
Torture is Un-American
From the ACLU:
If you agree with me that torture, indefinite detention and secret government kidnapping are un-American, I think you’ll be interested in a petition that I just signed.
These practices should not represent the United States of America. But today, two years after the truth was exposed about government-sponsored torture and abuse, the U.S. has failed to reverse the policies that led to this abuse -- and has yet to hold a single high-ranking official responsible.
After the horrors of World War II, our leaders helped draft universal principles that prohibit torture and protect human rights. I hope you join me in defending that legacy by signing the petition and speaking out against torture.
Please join with thousands of others and sign the petition today:
If you agree with me that torture, indefinite detention and secret government kidnapping are un-American, I think you’ll be interested in a petition that I just signed.
These practices should not represent the United States of America. But today, two years after the truth was exposed about government-sponsored torture and abuse, the U.S. has failed to reverse the policies that led to this abuse -- and has yet to hold a single high-ranking official responsible.
After the horrors of World War II, our leaders helped draft universal principles that prohibit torture and protect human rights. I hope you join me in defending that legacy by signing the petition and speaking out against torture.
Please join with thousands of others and sign the petition today:
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Protect Arizona's Environment here
For anybody not on Sandy's e-mail list, you can keep track of the latest evils (and very occasional environmental good deed) of the state legislature here. Tell a friend!
Building a better light bulb

Something that stayed with me from my trip to Montreal (11/00) was the Bombardier ad, oops I mean "exhibit" at their science museum - in particular, LED traffic lights. They are crazy efficient and they last forever, and LED bulbs are finally making their way into stuff we use, like party lights and track lighting bulbs. Gee, with - what's that called - leadership - we could actually be energy efficient.
A Smart Car, or Five of Them
Monday, April 24, 2006
Happy (Belated) Earth Day

We commemorated Earth Day by, well, buying a car. Greg's Scion xB gets 35 MPG, so he about doubled his mileage, so that isn't too shabby. Now I just need to get my hybrid and we will have doubled our household fleet economy. ;-)
We also watched "Too Hot Not to Handle" on HBO. Everyone needs to see it. We all should be a lot more freaked out about global warming than we are, period.
Happy Earth Day! Love your mother.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Would you get married here?

Marnie is looking at places to get hitched. James' sister Molly (and James also pretty much) work here. It looks even better for weddings. Am I crazy? Was there any reason to even look elsewhere? So glad she's not getting married here in Phoenix, anyway. :) Love you, Marnie!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Gore '08?

I always like having an excuse to post this photo. Is the Gore machine gearing up?
Though we really could have used him in '04, at least the new, improved Al. How about Gore/Clinton?
Friday, April 14, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
When can we start using the I-word?
Bush OK'd intelligence leaks to justify the war - who knows about Valerie Plame?
You know traffic is bad when....
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
That's Hot! A Solar Oven
How easy is this - a solar oven from a reflective car shade? EVERY Phoenician has one. Weekend project! Just wish I had more time/inclination to bake.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Interesting Read for Those Feeling the Heat
Is there hope? This was interesting but I am not overflowing with optimism. We're looking at hybrids but it's such a drop in a ginormous bucket. It's like recycling - I do it, as always, but, then what? We need leadership. Like ten years ago.
Did anyone else's hand go up when they read the part about keeping a crap job because of health care? Anyone?
Why be optimistic, wallowing in despair is such fun! When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.
Is there hope? This was interesting but I am not overflowing with optimism. We're looking at hybrids but it's such a drop in a ginormous bucket. It's like recycling - I do it, as always, but, then what? We need leadership. Like ten years ago.
Did anyone else's hand go up when they read the part about keeping a crap job because of health care? Anyone?
Why be optimistic, wallowing in despair is such fun! When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Remember Tuvalu
I remember when the leader of Tuvalu visited the U.N. a few years ago. Their country is being obliterated by a rising ocean, thanks to us. And have a great weekend. :)
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Adopt a Cottontail for Easter
That spring fertility holiday that we call Easter is coming up. Here is a great idea, adopt an endangered bunny instead of picking up rabbit poo for the next 5 years!
Princesses Who Skate
We saw Disney on Ice: Princess Classics last night, apparently everyone with a girl under 8 in Phoenix is going too. Luckily we went on half price night and happened to score 6th row (actually 9th, odd numbering) tickets, anyway they were good seats. The girls (A. and her friend Lauren) loooved it. What's not to like? Ice skating and pretty princesses (even all the girls were dressed up). Funny how so many D. cartoons don't even give the prince a name. What sort of name is "Charming"? The poor guys.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Mandarin Podcast
Here's a link where you can learn the language of "our future imperial overlords" as John Stewart says. Or order takeout, if you're an optimist. Either way.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Warming in the Arctic
Here's the sort of thing that should make you trade in your SUV and write your senator a truly angry letter. What fracking right do we have to do this? Online poll, also, vote early and often.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

When you have annual passes to Disneyland it feels wasteful not to use them. I am a mere five hours drive from the Happiest Place on Earth, you know? What's five hours to THE happiest place?
Anyway, photos. This one is just after we entered, Eeyore was very sweet.
Next we took a quick ride up Main Street in a 1903 horseless carriage, courtesy of driver Carl. We spotted Cinderella holding court outside the castle and jumped in line. This was about half an hour past opening and the park wasn't too busy...yet. Here is Amelie's version of a curtsey, legs wide apart and bending at the waist. And all that money I spent on finishing school....

So then we did the carousel, Dumbo, and the teacups, all without much waiting. Then we got Autopia fastpasses (1 hr return) and quickly hit ToonTown. Why is ToonTown so boring? Here's why. Autopia, then lunch, then went by rockets (45 minute wait, uh oh) for the Tiki Room which Amelie LOVED. We realized we were freezing so I offered to run back to the car for jackets, and they got on the Columbia (bums!, that's never running!) "pirate ship". Spent the remainder of the day at an actually crowded California Adventure. We only rode the Sun ferris wheel in maybe 2 hours there. Long lines, there was a cheerleading competition in town, the place was swarming with Buffys, or actually, by now, Caitlins. And thanks to my honey for driving the WHOLE way home.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Pat's
Ahh, St. Patrick's Day. So dear in the hearts of my grandmas that I wouldn't dare let it pass without honoring my heritage (Newnam, O'Connor, and Stack, all of the Emerald Isle). This day more than any other I meditatate on the vagaries of fate that brought me to exist here in the ol' U.S. of A., and the people that came before me. We don't know a lot about our family, I am sure that the Mormons know more. But I know that there is a mish mash of peoples in there, and so yesterday I read this which put it all in a whole new perspective. My great-great-great-great etc grandpa was Ceasar. Frickin cool!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Can Insurance Companies Save Us?
Here is something interesting regarding Exxon and their insurance company. Also some good links on how they certainly wear the black hat in the public debate on climate change. Thanks a lot, guys.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Old Business
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Crash winning the Oscar (huh?) and watching Dickens' Bleak House on Masterpiece Theater got me thinking about the likelihood of things. Both of those were written as if there were only about 40 people each in modern day Los Angeles and 19th century London, respectively. It stretches credibility. In Dickens I think it can be forgiven, Crash...well.... Anyway, since we all know that the world contains considerably more than 40 people, is it a smaller world or a larger world than I tend to believe?
For instance, we were in Portland last weekend (see previous post) and we were driving down some random street in a quiet, non-touristy part of town. There was a woman and a boy walking on the opposite side of the road. Something clicked and I looked back to see that this was my cousin Michael's son and ex who I have only met twice ever. The odds, I would swear, were so infinitesimal. They were on that road for two blocks and then they would have been on a bus if we had been any later. How do these things happen? We spent the whole next day with them, they are awesome. See photo of Maria and Jonah above.
And this wasn't the only time. Just last summer we stayed at the same hotel on the same days as our friends Shannon and Jared. Then they independently planned a trip to Disneyland on the same date as us. We missed seeing them both times but still. Same thing with Amy and Matt (see links)'s honeymoon being on the Big Island the same time as I was there with the rents. Again, we didn't know until later. What are the odds? No, seriously, can someone do the math for me, please? I really want to know.
I think I need to watch Sliding Doors again, it relates. But it's sort of a downer, or halfway so, at least. You have to see it to know what I mean.
Portland, Oregon
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Catching up...

Man, have I SLACKED!! A few items...
First off, I am listening to my newly acquired Brandi Carlisle CD. She so rocks. Marnie & I went to her show at the Aladdin in Portland on Saturday, which was awwwwwesome. Her voice is incredible and she's only 20. Which sort of brings be to my next topic:
OK, so the Edge is still all right, but not nearly as incredible as it was a year ago. I guess that was inevitable with the Zone going to the Free FM format with Stern's departure. However, my biggest whine today is that the Christians took over KXXT so no more Air America for now. The ratings were actually good, and god knows (ha) Phoenix really doesn't need another Jesus station but there you go. So do I get the Franken podcasts? Streaming is a no no. Sigh. Which brings me to:
What a great flipping city. Actually the rental car radio was TUNED to Franken. A sign? I don't know. I will post on PDX in greater detail later. Very fun trip.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Dust Bowl city
Yesterday was a full-on dust bowl day here. Amelie coughs a little when she runs, I'm positive her asthma is connected to the air pollution but I don't know which factor. So I found a cool link that alerts you when a pollution advisory comes out by e-mail. Sometimes I don't even know until I come over Dreamy Draw and see the disgusting brown cloud. Still no rain, of course.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Giving Comfort to the Quails
This Daily Show Piece is the funniest I have seen on the Cheney hunting accident. Why hide it, Dick? Did they think we wouldn't find out? You think they have reached the limits of secrecy and cover-ups but then they go you one more. It's the kind of thing that makes conspiracy nuts look reasonable.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Polar Bears Endangered? You Don't Say...
I'll be stunned if it happens under the Bushies. Also take the online poll.
I'll be stunned if it happens under the Bushies. Also take the online poll.
Friday, February 03, 2006
My Legislative District, Ladies and Gentlemen...
David Burnell Smith, the first candidate ousted for egregiously abusing the clean elections system (which is great). What STINKS is that only the precinct Republicans nominate the 3 candidates to replace him. That doesn't seem so fair. Ah well.
David Burnell Smith, the first candidate ousted for egregiously abusing the clean elections system (which is great). What STINKS is that only the precinct Republicans nominate the 3 candidates to replace him. That doesn't seem so fair. Ah well.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
ONE thing for Africa

We rented The Constant Gardener. Good movie, moved a little slow. But Africa, jesus, Africa. My ICO kids are more and more African refugees. How can we let a whole continent self-destruct? Hotel Rwanda. Black Hawk Down. Enough already. It's overwhelming and it breaks my heart. I love these kids!!
Today, February 1st, the United States assumes the Presidency of the United Nations Security Council for one month, giving America a unique opportunity to help the people of Darfur by leading the international community to take action. Specifically, the U.S. must use its time as head of the Council to take the necessary steps to turn the under-funded and under-equipped African Union peacekeeping force into a much stronger and more capable United Nations peacekeeping force. If America is serious about helping the people of Darfur, this is not an opportunity we can pass up. Please join today’s National Call-In Day organized by Africa Action by calling the U.S. Mission to the United Nations at (212) 415-4050, and asking U.S. Ambassador John Bolton to introduce a Security Council resolution calling for a multinational intervention in Darfur in support of the African Union with a mandate to protect civilians.Thank you for you help delivering this important message. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Exxon Suxx
I haven't bought Exxon gas since Valdez. The headline is The most profit in a year. Ever. Nice. Go here for a cartoon and to stick a thumb in their eye. And no, it's not the "let's all not buy gas tomorrow" boycott. :)
Friday, January 27, 2006
Amelie, Jaida, and Charlize

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Not THAT Castle Bookstore
Amelie calls Happily Ever After (Happily Ever After 3112 E Shea BlvdPhoenix, AZ 85028 - 3238(602) 867-4646) "the castle bookstore" which is sort of embarassing when she asks to go there in earshot of locals familiar with the Phoenix erotica chain of that name. But there is a castle inside this childrens' book store and the coolest toys. Susan, the owner, completely saved me from the existential crisis I had walking in to Toys R Us prior to xmas 04. Go there!
100 Days...and Counting....
No rain in 100 days here and none on the horizon. I think we're all starting to see the pattern here...unusual weather, breaking records, ZERO peer-reviewed studies saying that global warming is not a problem. But in Limbaugh land, the facts don't matter.
"The fact that they looked it up in a book just shows that they don't get the idea of truthiness at all. You don't look up truthiness in a book, you look it up in your gut." - Stephen Colbert
"The fact that they looked it up in a book just shows that they don't get the idea of truthiness at all. You don't look up truthiness in a book, you look it up in your gut." - Stephen Colbert
Greg wants me to tell you that camels' milk does not curdle. So much for that camel cheese dairy you were hoping to open in Buckeye.
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