When you have annual passes to Disneyland it feels wasteful not to use them. I am a mere five hours drive from the Happiest Place on Earth, you know? What's five hours to THE happiest place?
Anyway, photos. This one is just after we entered, Eeyore was very sweet.
Next we took a quick ride up Main Street in a 1903 horseless carriage, courtesy of driver Carl. We spotted Cinderella holding court outside the castle and jumped in line. This was about half an hour past opening and the park wasn't too busy...yet. Here is Amelie's version of a curtsey, legs wide apart and bending at the waist. And all that money I spent on finishing school....

So then we did the carousel, Dumbo, and the teacups, all without much waiting. Then we got Autopia fastpasses (1 hr return) and quickly hit ToonTown. Why is ToonTown so boring? Here's why. Autopia, then lunch, then went by rockets (45 minute wait, uh oh) for the Tiki Room which Amelie LOVED. We realized we were freezing so I offered to run back to the car for jackets, and they got on the Columbia (bums!, that's never running!) "pirate ship". Spent the remainder of the day at an actually crowded California Adventure. We only rode the Sun ferris wheel in maybe 2 hours there. Long lines, there was a cheerleading competition in town, the place was swarming with Buffys, or actually, by now, Caitlins. And thanks to my honey for driving the WHOLE way home.
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