Thursday, July 06, 2006

And on a Less Cheerful But Related Note

Carbon isn't only bad for the air, it's even bad dissolved in the water. Ugh.


Matt said...

I know. Have you read Flannery's new book "The Weather Makers?" I'm about 1/2 way through and it's pretty breathtaking how much damage has either been done, is already happening, or is 100% locked-in over the next 40-50 years. I really, really hope he's got some good ideas about how to tackle this.

Denise B-W said...

I'm reading Elizabeth Kolbert's book, Field Notes from a Catastrophe. Much of the same stuff as An Inconvenient Truth. I guess Al's approach is to go for the tipping point politically. Most days I think holy moley, is that our only hope? (Sigh.)