This is from the Truth to Power Hour blog, for the grey areas on your ballot:
A recap of Saturday's show here are my recommendations for Props.
Prop 100: Bailable Offenses NO
A Russell Pearce attempt to change the AZ Constitution for his anti-Immigrant agenda.
Prop 101: Local Property Tax Levies NO
Attempts to take tax decisions away from localities and put them in state control.
Prop 102: Standing in Civil Actions NO More Pearce foolishness
Prop 103: English as Official Language NO More Russell Pearce
Prop 104: Municipal Debt YES
Gives local governments more flexibility in financing transportation and public safety initiatives
Prop 105 State Trust Lands NO
A GOP trick to muddy the waters about Prop 106
Prop 106 Conserving AZ's Future YES
Has support from a diverse coalition
Prop 107 Protect Arizona Marraige NO
An attempt by Len Munsill to attack gays that actually affects civil unions and all non-married couples.
Prop 200 AZ Voter Reward Act ???
Gives a lottery ticket to all voters who participate.
Prop 201 Smoke Free AZ Act YES Supported by American Lung Assoc, American Cancer Society, AZ Hospital & Healthcare Assoc.
Prop 202 AZ Minimum Wage Act YES
Raises AZ minimum wage to $6.75/ hour
Prop 203 First things First for AZ Children YES Raises taxes on cigarettes to pay for child health services
Prop 204 Humane Farms YES
Goes after corporate farms for cruel treatment of animals by setting guidelines for pen sizes
Prop 205 All Mail Elections YES Some good arguments on both sides of the debate. If Prop 200 holds up this may serve to re-enfranchise voters.
Prop 206 Non Smoker Protection Act NO
I consider tobacco giant RJ REynolds' support for this as a major red flag.
Prop 207 Private Property Rights Act NO
A Trojan Horse for right wing extremists masquerading as a populist movement.
Would give special interests more control over gov't lands.
Prop 300 Public Program Eligibilty NO
More Russell Pearce nonsense.
Prop 301 Probation for Methamphetamine Offenders NO
Takes away treatment options for meth addicts.
Prop 302 State Legislators Salaries YES
Raises pay from $24 K to $36 K
For more detailed info on props check out Michael Bryan at
or at his site
Dem Judges
Hurwitz; Kessler; Norris; Portley; Budoff; Downie; Foster; Heilman; Lee; Rea; Ronan; Swann; Talamante
For Central AZ Water:
Barrios, Brooks and George.
so how did the AZ elections turn out?
check out the wedding blog - new post on embossing...
Mixed bag, but on the props it was mostly bad, unfortunately. 207 passed, by a lot, but we had a feeling, they were well funded by out of state interests and there were so many other things that needed urgent attention that it sort of got lost.
Good news, they voted down the gay marriage ban, not necessarily because Arizonans are more enlightened than other states, but because it also would have baneed civil unions and domestic partnerships. It was too close.
Oh, and the farm animal prop 204 passed so that was good. And the citizen smoking ban (no bars or restaurants) as opposed to RJ Reynolds' one (smoke in bars) passed.
Both props on state trust land failed, which is what the 105 people wanted, but 106 had some deep flaws anyway, that's why the SC didn't endorse it. I hope that some day they can actually reform the trust land system.
I'm for citizen referendums but maybe there should be spending rules on them. And they need a rule that competing measure have to wait for the next election cycle because the legislature and outside groups are just using them to obfuscate and deflect.
I told you how the Gov and AG here are dems and we had 2 new dem seats. My district for congress and state is pretty much 2 to 1 Republican and the morons voted that way. I need to move. Congress was hardly contested but I thought our state house and senate gals ran a nice campaign.
How is CA? Did they pass 90 (the eminent domain one)?
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