Wednesday, November 19, 2008

That Time of Year

Feeling not-very-consumery and fraught with worry about what we and ours have wrought on this small spaceship Earth of ours? Adopt a cute and furry thing from Defenders of Wildlife. You help the planet and you get something to cling to as you fret over our collective future. The selection is even better this year. I even have a discount code for ya. So cheer the heck up!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's Heeeeeerrrrrre...............


If you're going crazy like me, maybe you can spend the day at the movies. How about The Secret Life of Bees? The book was good, and the cast is excellent. And it should encourage everyone not to take voting for granted, see:
After President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act in 1965, Rosaleen goes to town to register, only to be confronted by three angry racists. When she dumps tobacco juice on their feet, she is beaten savagely and arrested. Lily springs Rosaleen from the hospital, and the two take off for Tiburon, the name of which is written on the back of an icon of a black Madonna, one of the few objects belonging to Lily’s mother that the child still has.

So VOTE! Then, I think it will be a late night - but I for one am hoping that we can turn in after polls close in Ohio - think that's too much to hope for? :)

Monday, November 03, 2008

Handy Dandy CA Voter Guide

This is a nice resource for anyone going to the polls tomorrow in California.

Don't forget to vote! Obama for President!!