Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Admit It...I WAS Bamboozled

I should have known better. But of COURSE "bamboo" fabrics are just rayon. Ditto for your birch tree sheets, Marnie, or whatever those were. Rayon sucks. Arrrrgh! More here and here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

They used to show the scores

Got to spend a few hours with our friends Britt, Eileen, and Eleanor at Disneyland last night. We pretty much stayed in Tomorrowland, that was unusual for us. Greg decided not to SHOOT during our Buzz Lightyear ride, so his score was 0. The teenager in front of us was shooting the whole time and got 100 so 0 doesn't sound that bad (hit one thing = 100). Anyway, here's pretty much our only photo from inside the park since I am still camera-less.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Deal on Eco Shoes (really) is carrying a cute new line of animal- and eco-friendly shoes, zoe & zac, for women and girls. It's BOGO time (buy one, get one half off) and lots of styles are already discounted. It's only online. There's also some really cute jewelry. Check them out!

Monday, August 10, 2009

RIP John Hughes

This Current piece is a good intro to why he was so responsible for people caring about good music.

A High Level of Insanity

The crazy people are scaring me. Make it stop. That is all.