Monday, October 20, 2008

Great Halloween Book for Kids

Getting into the spirit of the season? Tired of your routine bedtime stories and if you have to say "Goodnight Moon" one more time you will scream? Then run - run, I say- to your nearest bookstore and pick up Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex. We've had it for a year now and we read it all year round, but especially now it is perfection. Here is an excerpt:

And that's not even our favorite. We like the pages about the Phantom of the Opera who can't get "It's a Small World" and "The Girl From Ipanema" out of his head. Or, "Godzilla Pooped on My Honda" is a classic, though obviously scatalogical (photo included). Anyway, for kids 4 to 12, and grownups, it's a must have.

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